January 10th – 12th, 2014

Tap Into Gratitude — A Hip and Heart Opening Workshop
Friday PM 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm – January 10th
This session is designed to bring attendees into clear awareness of that which they are grateful for in their lives, while opening their hips & heart simultaneously. It’s proven to be a powerful mix. It’s a vinyasa flow based class that opens and concludes with meditation and journaling. The asana is primarily Forrest Yoga based with a few other styles mixed in; the spiritual message is my own amalgamation of the teaching’s of Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, Anita Moorjani, Caroline Myss and Abraham Hicks.
Air Traffic Control — An Inversion Workshop
Saturday Morning 9:00 am to 11:00 am – January 11th
When I first started practicing inversions, I was a headstand junkie. Over time, I realized how my strong headstand practice ultimately served cultivating powerful handstands. There are universal alignment principles that apply to headstands,forearm-stands, and handstands. This workshop focuses on recognizing these universal elements and learning to integrate them in any foundation. Significant time is spent warming the core, tapping into shoulder awareness and preparing major joints. Then students are led through a safe, empowering process of learning to work these alignment principles mindfully in any inverted situation. Attendees often leave with epiphanies abound and new levels of confidence as well as bolstered technique. Suitable for the inversion curious.
Yoga for the Neck and Jaw-ahhhahhhhhh.
Saturday Afternoon 2:00 pm – 3:30pm – January 11th
Many of us grind our jaws, clench our teeth and attempt to steer our lives by our very determined, tight and persistent necks. This class is geared to relieving that tension, stress and aggression. A tight jaw equals tight hips. An over-bearing neck can lead to problems with balance, insomnia and a disconnected core.
Through precise sequencing and concentrated efforts, we will release these
areas. This class is accessible for all levels. Students will leave dreamy, peaceful and blissful.
Harness The Power Of Intention — A Deep Hip Opening & Twist Session
Sunday Noon 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm – January 12th
The asana is based on extensive twists & and deep hip opening. Meditation is included and integral. The session is focused on grounding, centering and easing into life by taking a proactive approach, setting your intention through every segment of your day, as you do on your mat. The asana is Forrest based and the spiritual teaching’s are that of Wayne Dyer and Abraham Hicks. This workshop is suitable for all levels, although it does include inversions and arm balances for those participants ready and interested. Student’s will leave with a robust connection to their own essence, wide open hips and much room in their lives for creation.
- SFA Students: $30/class
- All others:$35/class
Early bird if paid by Dec 30 (Entire weekend discount)
- SFA Students: $105
- All others: $125
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To download the Seminar Flyer Click Here
Rebecca Butler is a sought after yoga teacher, writer, inspirational speaker and retreat leader. In addition to teaching in festivals and conferences, she travels teaching her weekend of workshops in varying cities all over the country, as well as at varying retreat locations nationally and internationally. It is her intention for her classes to render her students physically satiated and spiritually uplifted, her writing to spark your soul and her inspirational speaking to awaken you to your purpose within. It is her own purpose to help others recognize the ability to Choose Joy no matter what life offers.
In 2012, her mother passed from ALS or Lou Gehrigʼs disease. In that heart wrenching journey, Rebecca learned that life is meant to be cherished, never squandered; movement, health and breath are righteous gifts to be celebrated, never neglected; and kindness, love and grace are the only admirable ways of being. She integrates these learningʼs in her teaching, writing, speaking and daily approach to life.
She is the lead teacher and studio manager at Karmany Yoga in Fort Worth, TX.
In addition to being a wellness expert for MindBodyGreen, Rebecca has recently featured in Origin Magazine. Her writing has also been published on Elephant Journal, Intent.com and Rebelle Society.
Join her on her upcoming Choose Joy Yoga Retreat in Aruba, Feb 2-8, 2014. Book at thetravelyogi.com
You can find out more about her teaching & writing at www.rebeccabutleryoga.com, or connect with her on facebook or twitter or Instagram