by Amy Sanford | Dec 7, 2017 | Events & Workshops

Hi, MGY Yogis!
December has arrived, can you believe it?! We thought you’d appreciate a glimpse into our Holiday Season Calendar at MGY1 & MGY2 as it’s pretty festive! You’re not going to want to miss a single specialty class we’ve got planned so make yourself a cup of warm tea, wassail, or any other [nip-nip] you’d like to sip on, open up your calendar, prop up your fuzzy-sock covered feet, and with pen in hand (red or green ink preferably) mark the following days with a holly leaf or Christmas tree and plan to be at MGYS.
DECEMBER 25TH – DECEMBER 30TH – Holiday Break

DECEMBER 21 st – Winter Solstice 7:00 pm Arrie at MGY1
On December 21, at 7:00 pm, join Arrie for a special meditation practice honoring the winter solstice, the official beginning of winter.
This hour-long meditation will begin with a brief mindfulness practice, then a contemplative discussion on the ecopsychological effects of the change of the season.
Bring your own meditation cushion as only a limited number will be available.

DECEMBER 24TH – X-Mas Eve 2:00 pm Arrie at MGY1

DECEMBER 31ST – New Year’s Eve 2:00 pm Lou at MGY1

JANUARY 1ST – Yoga Mala 10:00 am All teachers at MGY1
Join the MGYS Teachers on New Years Day at 10:00 am for the 5th Annual Yoga Mala, 108 Sun Salutations, a ceremony to mark a community-wide transition that has become a tradition here at MGYS.
The new calendar year is a great reason to investigate one’s life (thoughts, habit patterns, behaviors, and relationships). The purpose of this ceremony is to create a space for this exploration, as well as to offer a structural model for productive investigation.
The Salutations will be broken down into 4 sets of 27 with a meditative pause between each. The leader of each section will lead the first few salutations to set the rhythm. Listen and try to stay together. This is intended to be a group project. 🙂
Students may practice all 108 Sun Salutations or a portion, choosing to rest while remaining focused.
We will have an area to place flowers, candles, and special objects. If you have something you’d like to contribute, a meaningful artifact, please bring it to the ceremony and retrieve after.
Let’s begin 2018 together! Following the Mala, we’ll have light refreshments, traditional dishes, and a toast to the New Year. Please join in on the celebration. <3
Please expect to be at the studio from 10:00 am – 12:30 pm.

JANUARY 1ST – (NEW!) Relax into the New Year 4:00 pm Glenda at MGY2
with Special Musical Guest, Violinist, Brenda Josephsen.
Relax into the New Year/2018 with a renewed you, attend a special New Year’s Day
Restorative Yoga Class with Glenda.
Start something new for the new year and trust in the magic of new beginnings.
The time to relax is when you don’t have time for it!
Experience the nurturing, nestling poses of restorative yoga.
With each pose, you are totally supported to enhance the body’s natural relaxation response.
Relax, unwind, restore yourself after the hectic holiday season, by nurturing yourself with a special New Year’s Day Restorative Yoga class.

by Amy Sanford | Sep 25, 2017 | Events & Workshops
Morning Glory Yoga Studios is offering our popular Introduction to Yoga Foundation Course beginning October 03, 2017.
This four-week course is a wonderful opportunity to learn about the many health benefits of yoga while gaining a foundation upon which to build a practice. The course is appropriate for those new to yoga as well as those who wish to refresh and fine-tune their understanding of the practice.
Yoga builds strength and flexibility while also helping students to better deal with stress and to relax. Students will learn basic yoga postures, proper alignment, and breath work, and be introduced to basic meditation techniques.
This class is suitable for students of various ages although it is geared towards adults; no children under the age of sixteen, please. The class is also suitable for people of various fitness levels. Poses will be modified to meet individual needs. Students should wear comfortable, moveable clothes and will remove their shoes during the class. A yoga mat is recommended but not required.
Dates: October 03 – 26, 2017
Day/Time: Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7 – 8:15 pm
Place: Morning Glory Yoga Studios, 207 East Main St., downtown Nacogdoches
Instructors: Amy Sanford & Arrie Tucker
Cost: $125
by Amy Sanford | Sep 20, 2017 | Events & Workshops
Thursday, September 21, 7:00 pm
Join Arrie for a guided group meditation honoring the shift of the seasons. This hour-long class will include a short mindfulness practice as well as an introduction to the eco-psychological implications of the shift in the season followed by a nature-based contemplative practice.
Place: MGY1, 207 East Main St.
Date: 09.21.2017
Time: 7:00pm
Who: Arrie
Cost: Donation
by Amy Sanford | Sep 12, 2017 | Events & Workshops
Morning Glory Yoga Studios and Fredonia Brewery are excited to partner in an effort to demonstrate just how charmingly aware and refreshing Nacogdoches has become.
You are invited to join us on September 16, 2017, at 12:45 pm for the first ever Pints & Poses behind the pine curtain. On this special occasion, we will be hosting a donation-based event benefitting the Hurricane Harvey Relief Effort.
Your $10 (or more) CASH donation gets you in the gate for FREE Yoga and a pint of beer. 100% of proceeds will go to Best Friends Animal Society. Best Friends’ disaster response team is deploying to Texas to rescue stranded animals, deliver supplies to hard-hit shelters, transport displaced shelter pets and support emergency sheltering efforts.
Place: Fredonia Brewery
Date: Saturday, 09.16.2017
Time: 12:45 – 1:45pm
Who: Amy Sanford (and other MGYS teachers) with Morning Glory Yoga Studios
Please bring your own yoga mat.
THIS EVENT IS FOR EVERYONE interested in the cause.
*Must be 21 or older to drink.
**FAMILY FRIENDLY with a donation per person.
***NO early entry without a donation. | |
by Amy Sanford | Sep 6, 2017 | Events & Workshops
Tai Chi is a Chinese Martial Art that focuses on breathing, relaxation, balance and over all better health.
MGY2 is excited to provide a space for the Nacogdoches community and surrounding areas to learn the art of Tai Chi from a skilled teacher. Please join us on Wednesdays at 5:45pm in the month of September at a special introductory Drop-In fee of $10/class. Don’t be shy, this class is open to any and all with an interest in Tai Chi. Chairs will be made available as needed.
We are experimenting this month to gauge interest and determine our regular class schedule so your participation is greatly appreciated and necessary for success. This is our great fortune to have such an experienced teacher as Sifu Gardner recently transplanted in Center and eager to teach right here in Nacogdoches. Please share the good news and join us beginning 09.13 at MGY2, 409 East Main at 5:45pm!
Instruction will be an hour long class including Warm Ups, Standing Gong (Root Development), Qi Gong and Silk Reeling (Spiral Movement).
These classed are designed to introduce you to the fundamentals for a better understanding of Tai Chi and find practical uses. Appropriate for everyone.

Sifu David Gardner has practiced Chen Tai Chi for 20 years. He studied under Grand Master Chen Qingzhou 19th Generation Chen Family member. He is also a Second degree Black Belt in Seven Star Mantis Kung Fu under Master Jeff Hughes.
Day: Wednesdays in September
Time: 5:45pm
Place: MGY2, 409 East Main Street
Cost: $10 Drop In
Teacher: David Gardner
For more information please contact [email protected] or
Sifu Gardner at 512 679-6358
It is our mission to continue to serve and support a healhty, vibrant community through mind/body practices.