
Today’s Pilates class went so well that we are holding another FREE class this Thursday from 10:30-11:45am.


Where: Morning Glory Yoga Studio

When:  Thursday, 06.02, 10:30 – 11:45 am

Who: Sarah Sanchez

What:  Balanced Body Pilates is a mind body focused exercise regimen. Pilates challenges the mind to control mobile, flexible limbs while sustaining a strong, stable core. Pilates consists of low-impact floor exercises which take the stress off of the body’s joints. You can expect to move in positions such as; plank, ab curl, neutral spine, and inverting on a curved spine. There are modifications for every exercise providing all students with options.

Please email [email protected] if you plan to attend this Thursday.

This class will be offered regularly at MGY2 in late summer after Sarah returns from travels.