Goodbye 2015 and Hello 2016 from MGYS!


Please join us at 9:00am for a New Year’s Eve Practice.

Our lives and experiences are ever-changing, aren’t they? New Year’s Eve is a celebrated marker of transition and yoga is the practice of being present within a sea of change. In recognition of the two, we invite you to reflect on the past year, appreciate the present, and prepare to embark upon a new year from the welcoming space of Morning Glory Yoga Studio.

We practice today (everyday) as a way to develop a healthy body and calm mind, discover our true self, encourage connection, dissolve separateness, and promote compassion.

Happy 2016!

See you on the mat!

  • Date: December 31, 2015
  • Place: Morning Glory Yoga Studio
  • Time: 9:00 – 10:15am
  • Teacher:  Erin
  • Cost: FREE


Merry, Merry from Morning Glory!


 Join us at 9:00 am on December 24th
for a Christmas Eve Practice at MGYS.


With breath and presence, give and receive gifts of energetic exchange as we move through an All Level asana practice.
Please arrive a little early for extra time to spread merriment, be comforted, comfort, be grateful, and/or sit in observation of the special occasion.  This will be a sweet opportunity to connect with with the many who practice at MGYS.
See you on the mat! Holiday cheer, goodwill, and other accoutrement welcome!

This will be our last practice at the studio before we briefly part for holiday break. Practice at home during the holidays  (share with your family)  — we certainly will!  Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas! 

 Please see our modified Holiday Schedule below and plan to attend!   



Holiday Schedule



Wishing YOU and YOURS a Merry, Merry Christmas and Happy, Happy New Year!


Thank you for practicing at MGYS day in and day out, on and off the mat.  The practice of Yoga truly is the gift that keeps on giving and we want to express our deepest gratitude for your choice to share such a gift with us, the teachers of MGYS.

We understand it’s not always easy to make it to the studio, to your mat, to the asana practice – we understand because – WE practice just like you, struggle just like you, overcome just like you, grow just like you, LOVE just like you, and we learn just. like. you. Your dedication is an inspiration and for this we say, “Thank you for being not only a student but a teacher, a fellow yogi, and a gift.”

We love you and are honored to be your teachers and share the journey! Namaste.

Amy, Arrie, Sherri, Eralda, Kasey, Debra, and Erin


Please see our Holiday Schedule below and join us on the mat at MGYS!

  • Christmas Eve, December 24th, 9am, All Levels
  • Closed December 25th – Dec 30th. 
  • New Year’s Eve, December 31st, 9am, All Levels
  • New Year’s Day YOGA MALA 108 Sun Salutations, 10am, All Levels
  • Regular schedule resumes on Jan 2nd.

Amy returns Monday, January 11th!

Practice and Share the Love on Thanksgiving Day!


Please join Arrie, Eralda, and Kasey at MGYS on Thursday, November 26th, as they serve up a fulfilling Thanksgiving Practice! All are welcome and encouraged to meet on the mats to begin this special day with friends! Expect heaping portions of gratitude with plenty of leftovers to carry home and share. Sounds good, right?! See you at the Studio so you can share the love on Thanksgiving Day!


Date: November 26, 2015
Place: Morning Glory Yoga Studio
Time: 9:00 – 10:15am
Holiday Host(s): Arrie, Eralda, & Kasey
Cost: FREE

Thanks Weather! Saturday, 10.31.2015, 9am Hatha 1&2 Will Be Held.

It has been brought to our attention that, “Due to predictions of inclement weather, the Stephen F. Austin State University Homecoming parade scheduled for Saturday morning has been canceled.”

This means that we WILL have our Saturday 9am Halloween Hatha class after all. Kasey is VERY excited to teach so please don’t let the weather spook you from getting on your mat at MGYS!

Remember how especially lovely the space is on a rainy day? Exactly, see you on Saturday!