MGYS is problem solving how we can practice safely together at the studio during the COVID-19 outbreak.  During this time of global concern we are here to serve you while holding our Nacogdoches community’s best interest in mind.  We feel it is our responsibility to remain open for the mental, physical, and emotional well-being of our students until it becomes clear that the risk outweighs the benefit.  Morning Glory Yoga is a sanctuary for those who seek to gain peace of mind, physical health, spiritual growth, and community support during the mundane and elevated societal uncertainty.

With your participation in the following hygienic guidelines we will be able to serve you best and while we are able to keep our doors open we can do so responsibly.  Thank you.

At this point:

  • If you are sick, please stay home, rest well, and recover before coming back to class. Please stay in contact via email, [email protected], as we’ll wonder about you and how we can be of assistance.
  • Wash your hands before class and after class. Do not touch your face while you practice.
  • No sign in sheet inside the studio.  If there are any announcements/notices we will place on the shelf where the sign in sheet formerly resided.
    • If you have yet to do so, please create a MINDBODY account via THIS LINK
    • Download the app.
    • Search for Morning Glory Yoga and “book” the class online beforehand.  “Book” is another way of saying “Sign-In.”
    • We appreciate you adopting this new method to help us reduce the spreading of germs while maintaining the attendance record. We also understand that change is difficult sometimes especially when it comes to technology, please do not hesitate to ask a teacher for assistance before or after class.
  • We are fortunate to have so much space to use at MGY2!  Please place mats 6 ft from one another when there is extra space in the room.
  • Please take your mat home daily to clean and disinfect. This should be prioritized and is part of practicing saucha (cleanliness), one of the niyamas. We will not offer rental mats at this time.
  • If/when you use a prop please use the disinfectant spray or wipes now provided and stationed on the cart at the entrance of the practice room.
  • The studio is cleaned every day; this will, of course, continue.  This cleaning includes sweeping and now thoroughly wet mopping the floors, disinfecting the bathroom, counter surfaces, props, as well as all door handles.
  • Asana practice can help us be healthy, centered, and calm in hard times. As always, if you are not at the studio for practice, keep up with your practice at home.  Remember, yoga isn’t only asana.  Breathing and meditation are also useful tools of this practice. In addition, practicing the Yamas and Niyamas under such societal stress is invaluable to our community’s collective health.
    • Not sure what the Yamas and Niyamas even are? Learning opportunity! In yoga philosophy, this is referred to as self study or ‘ones own reading’ known as Svadhyaya. We have a print out at the studio that’s a nice introduction to the prescribed eight fold path of yoga that includes these social restraints (yamas) and lifestyle observances (niyamas.)

The World Health Organization, WHO, provides advice for the public in regard to COVID-19

If further measures become appropriate down the road, we will implement accordingly.

Morning Glory Yoga will follow the CDC guidelines for schools and commercial establishments and as we observe how our area is effected will consider a reduced schedule or temporary closure as circumstance demands.

Warmest regard, 

MGYS Teachers
Amy, Arrie, Lou, and Glenda