by Amy Sanford | Oct 27, 2016 | Events & Workshops
Yoga, if you dare. bwahaha
Join Arrie for a special Halloween Yoga class at our second space, MGY2. Costumes and characters encouraged. This class is open to all so bring your goul-friends, brosts, mummies, and any other trick or treaters (cup cake eaters — hint, hint).
Please email [email protected] to reserve your plot. bwahahaha

Where: MGY2, 409 East Main St.
When: Sundown (6:30pm)
Who: Scary Arrie
Cost: Donation ~ Suggested $10
*no glitter, please.
by Amy Sanford | Oct 20, 2016 | Events & Workshops
Good morning!
Were you considering taking the Pilates Foundation Course that started on Tuesday? It’s not too late to begin! One big advantage to this Foundation is the class size, it’s small. You’ll have a unique opportunity to receive more one-on-one attention and specific modifications to suit your needs.

Online registration is open until the end of the week. Don’t delay, sign up today, and show up at MGY2 a little before 7pm this evening.
No more talking yourself out of a good thing — if you questioned your place in this course, give it a try, take the doubt out and replace it with curiosity.
Here’s to beginning! 
by Amy Sanford | Oct 18, 2016 | Events & Workshops
THIS WEEK ONLY, MGY2 has a few class cancellations in order for
our teachers to further pursue their studies.
Glenda will be traveling to Michigan to study with Judith Hanson Lasater, a renown yoga teacher who specializes in Restorative Yoga, from 10.17 – 10.21.2016.
Restorative classes on Tuesday, 10.18
and Thursday, 10.20 are canceled.
I know Glenda has been announcing the schedule adjustment in her classes for over a month now, largely because she is so excited about the opportunity, but please help spread the word to others.
Here’s a link to Judith Hanson Lasater’s website,, check it our if you’re interested.
4pm Pilates on Saturday, 10.22, is canceled.
Sarah, as many of you know, is an Adjunct Professor of Dance in the SFA Kinesiology Department but what you might not know is that she is one of the choreographers for a student performance on campus this Friday and Saturday. Go check it out!!
Here are the details for Danceworks:Reflections
The SFA dance program will present Danceworks: Reflections on Oct. 21 and 22 in Turner Auditorium on the SFA campus. Danceworks: Reflections will feature choreographic works by senior dance majors, faculty, and the SFA Repertory Dance Company.
Shows begin at 7pm on the 21st and 2 & 7 pm on the 22nd.
Tickets are
- $8 student
- $10 faculty/staff/senior citizen
- $12 general admission and can be purchased at the door.
You can always see our current schedule including class cancellations and substitutes HERE
Have a great week, MGY Yogis!
With love,
by Amy Sanford | Oct 9, 2016 | Events & Workshops
Hello All!
Do you know that Arrie has a brother? Well, he does! Trey Tucker is an accomplished Certified Personal Trainer in Austin and he’s visiting Nacogdoches on October 15th. While in town, he wants to offer a workshop on foam rolling and it just so happens we have brand new foam rollers. It’s perfect, really. Well, it will be once we have you (or the first 15 students) make a reservation to attend!
Trey Tucker will offer a donation-based one hour workshop to teach techniques and discuss benefits of self-myofascial release or “foam rolling.”
The basics of how to roll all the major muscle groups will be taught as well as the the benefits and contraindications. The class will consist of basic anatomy identification for better understanding and plenty of time to roll and feel the effects of self-myofascial release first hand. Q&A to follow.
Trey Tucker is owner and trainer at PowerHouseATX, a gym in Austin, Texas. Trey grew up playing competitive sports, from t-ball to semi-pro football, and has a passion for improving performance, health, and wellness. To this end he has obtained numerous certifications and has clocked hundreds of hours working in corrective exercise, sports performance, and weight loss. Trey believes that the only way to achieve a healthy lifestyle is to make fitness enjoyable. Trey’s goal is to help others become stronger, leaner, faster, and a healthier version of themselves.
So, come meet Arrie’s brother (yay!) and learn proper form and creative and effective techniques from a certified trainer to foam roll your way into greater well-being.
Place: MGY2, 409 East Main St
Day: October 15, 2016
Time: 5:30 – 6:30pm
Cost: Donation (suggested $10)
This donation class is limited to 15 students only.
Participants must be able to stand up from and get down on the floor with relative ease.
Please email [email protected] to reserve your place. In the subject line please include [First and Last Name] and [Foam Rolling 101]. You will receive a confirmation email of your reservation.
by Amy Sanford | Oct 6, 2016 | Events & Workshops
Happy Fall Y’all!
If you’ve ever been curious about Pilates, begin this new path in your physical fitness journey at Morning Glory Yoga Studios by coming to our Fall Four Week Pilates Foundation Course. This course is brilliantly scheduled to “fall” just before the Thanksgiving Holidays. You’ll feel more fit and energized and encouraged to return to healthy practices!
This class is designed for those who are new to Pilates and/or students who want to deepen their understanding of Pilates. Students will be given a breakdown of basic Mat exercises, Pilates Fundamentals, as well as some Intermediate Mat exercises. Through each exercise, students will learn what modifications or props to use to assist in performing an action correctly and safely. After completing this course, students will be equipped to take a beginner’s class with confidence and ease. Additionally, students will establish a proper foundation to continue on with intermediate classes.
Balanced Body Pilates is a mind body focused exercise regimen. Pilates challenges the mind to control mobile, flexible limbs while sustaining a strong, stable core. Pilates consists of low-impact floor exercises which take the stress off of the body’s joints. You can expect to move in positions such as; plank, ab curl, neutral spine, and inverting on a curved spine. There are modifications for every exercise providing all students with options.

Joseph Pilates said it best, “Physical Fitness is the first requisite of happiness.”
Sarah Sanchez is new to the Nacogdoches area and beginning the next chapter in her life as an Adjunct Professor for the Dance program at SFA. Previously living in Hunstville, Sarah was a graduate student at Sam Houston State University where she earned a Master of Fine Arts degree. Sarah’s training began at the age of 8 performing Ballet Folklorico and Flamenco dance styles in her hometown of San Antonio. Sarah specializes in modern, aerial, cultural, and spoken word dance. Sarah has danced for choreographers such as Shay Ishii, Tarak Asam, Rocio Luna, Alicia Chappell, and Andy Noble to name a few. Sarah’s devotion to dance conditioning led her to obtain certificates in Zumba Fitness and Balanced Body Pilates. Sarah is a fitness enthusiast who enjoys running, biking, weight lifting, and hiking. Sarah is anxious to meet the people of Nacogdoches, and share her love for dance and fitness.
Dates: October 18 – November 17, 2016
Day/Time: Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7 – 8:15 pm
Place: MGY2, 409 East Main St, downtown Nacogdoches
Instructor: Sarah Sanchez
SFA Students: $60 plus FREE Yoga during the course
Handouts with a folder will be provided. Please bring a writing utensil and water bottle. Wear comfortable exercise attire.