by Amy Sanford | Jul 3, 2016 | Events & Workshops

Morning Glory Yoga Studios is offering a new Introduction to Yoga Foundation Course beginning August 02, 2016.
This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about the many health benefits of yoga while gaining a foundation upon which to build a practice. The course is appropriate for those new to yoga as well as those who wish to refresh and fine-tune their understanding of the practice.
Yoga builds strength and flexibility while also helping students to better deal with stress and to relax. Students will learn basic yoga postures, proper alignment and breath work, and be introduced to basic meditation techniques.
This class is suitable for students of various ages although it is geared towards adults; no children under the age of sixteen please. The class is also suitable for people of various fitness levels. Poses will be modified to meet individual needs. Students should wear comfortable, moveable clothes and will remove their shoes during the class. A yoga mat is recommended but not required.
Dates: August 02 – 25, 2016
Day/Time: Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7 – 8:15 pm
Place: Morning Glory Yoga Studios, 207 East Main St., downtown Nacogdoches
Instructors: Amy Sanford & Arrie Tucker
Cost: $105

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by Amy Sanford | May 31, 2016 | Events & Workshops

She’s back! Well, this week anyway and we’re happy to have Kasey, former MGYS Instructor, guest teaching during her brief visit.
CHECK THE LINK HERE to see which classes she’s subbing.
by Amy Sanford | May 31, 2016 | Events & Workshops

Today’s Pilates class went so well that we are holding another FREE class this Thursday from 10:30-11:45am.
Where: Morning Glory Yoga Studio
When: Thursday, 06.02, 10:30 – 11:45 am
Who: Sarah Sanchez
What: Balanced Body Pilates is a mind body focused exercise regimen. Pilates challenges the mind to control mobile, flexible limbs while sustaining a strong, stable core. Pilates consists of low-impact floor exercises which take the stress off of the body’s joints. You can expect to move in positions such as; plank, ab curl, neutral spine, and inverting on a curved spine. There are modifications for every exercise providing all students with options.
Please email [email protected] if you plan to attend this Thursday.
This class will be offered regularly at MGY2 in late summer after Sarah returns from travels.
by Amy Sanford | May 29, 2016 | Events & Workshops

Hello All!
Most of you are aware that a second space, MGY2, is being renovated (slowly but surely) for more yoga classes but we are also considering adding certain specialty classes/workshops that we feel compliment a yoga practice and support a healthy lifestyle.
I recently had the pleasure of meeting fitness enthusiast and new comer to Nacogdoches, Sarah Sanchez. Sarah contacted me and expressed an interest in teaching a mat pilates class at MGYS. After our conversation and being most impressed with her positive attitude, passion, and experience I am interested in seeing how a pilates class will be received at MGYS/MGY2.
Sarah eagerly offered to teach a FREE, open to our studio members, Beginner Balanced Body (Mat) Pilates class on Tuesday, May 31st at 10:30am. Please come if you’re interested and can fit it into your schedule. The more the merrier! If you plan to attend please email me at [email protected] and confirm so that I’ll have a better idea of the class size.
Where: Morning Glory Yoga Studio
When: 10:30 – 11:30am
Who: Sarah Sanchez
What: Balanced Body Pilates is a mind body focused exercise regimen. Pilates challenges the mind to control mobile, flexible limbs while sustaining a strong, stable core. Pilates consists of low-impact floor exercises which take the stress off of the body’s joints. You can expect to move in positions such as; plank, ab curl, neutral spine, and inverting on a curved spine. There are modifications for every exercise providing all students with options.
Sarah Sanchez is new to the Nacogdoches area and beginning the next chapter in her life as an Adjunct Professor for the Dance program at SFA. Previously living in Hunstville, Sarah was a graduate student at Sam Houston State University where she earned a Master of Fine Arts degree. Sarah’s training began at the age of 8 performing Ballet Folklorico and Flamenco dance styles in her hometown of San Antonio. Sarah specializes in modern, aerial, cultural, and spoken word dance. Sarah has danced for choreographers such as Shay Ishii, Tarak Asam, Rocio Luna, Alicia Chappell, and Andy Noble to name a few. Sarah’s devotion to dance conditioning led her to obtain certificates in Zumba Fitness and Balanced Body Pilates. Sarah is a fitness enthusiast who enjoys running, biking, weight lifting and hiking. Sarah is anxious to meet the people of Nacogdoches, and share her love for dance and fitness.
by Amy Sanford | May 29, 2016 | Events & Workshops

Please join us on the mat on this day of remembrance.
With gratitude, we honor those who gave their lives for our freedoms.
Our regular schedule for Monday, May 30th is cancelled in honor of Memorial Day.
We will hold one class at 9am open to everyone.