Events & Workshops
Celebrate Sherri! Happy 2 Year Anniversary!!
This month marks Sherri’s TWO Year Anniversary as an instructor at MGYS. In addition to her specialized yoga training and careful instruction, Sherri’s undeniable charm and joyful character make her a unique and valued member of our MGYS family.
We love you, Sherri, and look forward to more years together!!!
Please give Sherri a BIG hug when you see her! If you haven’t had the privilege of taking a class from her check out our FULL schedule and GO to a Gentle or Hatha 1 class under her instruction.
We love our teachers and students at MGYS and are grateful for our yoga community in Nacogdoches. Thank you for practicing at MGYS and keep spreading the love, MG Yogis! See you on the mats. Namaste.
Exploring the Practice of Yoga with Charles MacInerney
Just a reminder, Charles will be at MGYS this weekend! There’s still room and we’d love your presence. Register today!
JULY 10 – 12th!
Friday, July 10th. 6:00 – 8:30pm
Fascia: Its All Connected
Throughout our lifetime most of us begin to stiffen and to shrink with age. This does not have to happen. The health our our fascia will determine the state or our body as we age. Fascia requires movement, warmth, and adequate hydration to remain healthy. We are connected together because of a vast, spider web-like network of fascia, which travels through our entire body like a heavy sweater. . Recognition of fascia’s true significance and complexity is just spreading into the yoga community. This workshop will explore the latest scientific understanding of fascia, both anatomy and physiology, and how to make better use of this understanding in how we practice yoga. Happy fascia is fluid. Come learn how to make yours fluid.
Saturday, July 11th. 9:00am – 12:00pm
Having Fun with Assisted Yoga
Learn how to work hands on with assisted asana in a safe and fun environment. Learn how to receive and give support to each other in asanas both familiar and new. Partner work can be used to make the most challenging asanas accessible and also to make foundational poses more challenging. Assisted poses allow us to relax more deeply into stretches, and it is common for students report that they have found new levels of flexibility from this work that they did not know they were capable of. We will also use partner exercises to sharpen concentration, practice communication skills and increase our pro-prioceptive senses. You do not need a partner to attend this workshop. Most people usually come alone and then facilitators help match up partners for each exercise. This is a great way to meet new friends with shared interests.
Saturday, July 11th. 1:30 – 4:30pm
Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nida, sometimes called ‘yogic sleep’, is an ancient practice that was introduced to the West by teachers like Satyananda Saraswati and Swami Rama in the 1960’s. It is said that one hour of Yoga Nidra can replace 4 hours of regular sleep. Yoga Nidra is typically practiced in 8 stages. After a gentle asana practice, we begin in Shavasana with a guided relaxation. Next we repeat pre-determined affirmation called a Sankalpa. The third step is called the rotation of consciousness which is followed by breath awareness. The fifth step is called the manifestation of opposites. Then we enter into creative visualization. To close, the sankalpa is repeated, before starting a very gradual return to normal consciousness.
Sunday, July 12th. 1:30 – 4:30pm
Yoga and Writing: (Asana Class)
Hatha Yoga, Pranayama and Meditation are amazing tools for shifting consciousness. Learn how to combine yoga with creative writing to tap into deeper sources of inspiration. We begin with an Asana class to shut down internal dialogue and distance students from the momentum of their daily routines. Then we move into pranayama and meditation to still the mind and deepen our sense of self. Following a writing prompt, to set the mind in motion again, we write for 20-60 minutes and then form into small groups where anyone who wishes to read to the group will have an opportunity to do so. The reader can ask for feedback from the group, but only positive feedback.
One workshop $55
Any Two workshops $100
Any Three workshops $140
All Four workshops $175
Early registration (prior to June 29th) 10% discount.
use coupon code: CHARLES2015
Exploring the Practice of Yoga with Charles MacInerney
JULY 10 – 12th!
Friday, July 10th. 6:00 – 8:30pm
Fascia: Its All Connected
Throughout our lifetime most of us begin to stiffen and to shrink with age. This does not have to happen. The health our our fascia will determine the state or our body as we age. Fascia requires movement, warmth, and adequate hydration to remain healthy. We are connected together because of a vast, spider web-like network of fascia, which travels through our entire body like a heavy sweater. . Recognition of fascia’s true significance and complexity is just spreading into the yoga community. This workshop will explore the latest scientific understanding of fascia, both anatomy and physiology, and how to make better use of this understanding in how we practice yoga. Happy fascia is fluid. Come learn how to make yours fluid.
Saturday, July 11th. 9:00am – 12:00pm
Having Fun with Assisted Yoga
Learn how to work hands on with assisted asana in a safe and fun environment. Learn how to receive and give support to each other in asanas both familiar and new. Partner work can be used to make the most challenging asanas accessible and also to make foundational poses more challenging. Assisted poses allow us to relax more deeply into stretches, and it is common for students report that they have found new levels of flexibility from this work that they did not know they were capable of. We will also use partner exercises to sharpen concentration, practice communication skills and increase our pro-prioceptive senses. You do not need a partner to attend this workshop. Most people usually come alone and then facilitators help match up partners for each exercise. This is a great way to meet new friends with shared interests.
Saturday, July 11th. 1:30 – 4:30pm
Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nida, sometimes called ‘yogic sleep’, is an ancient practice that was introduced to the West by teachers like Satyananda Saraswati and Swami Rama in the 1960’s. It is said that one hour of Yoga Nidra can replace 4 hours of regular sleep. Yoga Nidra is typically practiced in 8 stages. After a gentle asana practice, we begin in Shavasana with a guided relaxation. Next we repeat pre-determined affirmation called a Sankalpa. The third step is called the rotation of consciousness which is followed by breath awareness. The fifth step is called the manifestation of opposites. Then we enter into creative visualization. To close, the sankalpa is repeated, before starting a very gradual return to normal consciousness.
Sunday, July 12th. 1:30 – 4:30pm
Yoga and Writing: (Asana Class)
Hatha Yoga, Pranayama and Meditation are amazing tools for shifting consciousness. Learn how to combine yoga with creative writing to tap into deeper sources of inspiration. We begin with an Asana class to shut down internal dialogue and distance students from the momentum of their daily routines. Then we move into pranayama and meditation to still the mind and deepen our sense of self. Following a writing prompt, to set the mind in motion again, we write for 20-60 minutes and then form into small groups where anyone who wishes to read to the group will have an opportunity to do so. The reader can ask for feedback from the group, but only positive feedback.
One workshop $55
Any Two workshops $100
Any Three workshops $140
All Four workshops $175
Early registration (prior to June 29th) 10% discount.
use coupon code: CHARLES2015
Memorial Day 2015
On Monday, May 25th, Memorial Day our regular schedule will be modified.
Please join Amy for an ALL LEVEL class from 9:00 – 10:00am or Gentle Yoga with Sherri at 12:30.
All other classes are cancelled for the day.
Melissa Smith Workshop
Sunday, June 28, 2015.
Standing Postures for Core Stability and Strength 9am-11am
Morning active yoga practice that fosters supportive strength from the ground up. Find ease and stability in standing postures for a sustainable yoga practice. We will look at how our core muscles and our feet create the essential foundation for our bodies. Enjoy a long restorative savasana.
Transformational Restful Yoga for “Every” Body 1pm-3pm
Restorative Yoga, through long held, prop supported postures, teaches that even though a pose appears to be still, there is a subtler action going on that involves a symphony of breath and body that brings the entire being into a state of deep repose and release.
The benefits of a restorative yoga class include:
Powerful relaxation to access a state of pratayahara (a withdrawn state).
Restoration and exploration of the mind, body and soul in passive postures.
Clarity, connection, and a spirit of offering through ishvara pranidhana (the divine within).
Moving meditation warmup and the graceful presence accessed with long held postures.
$35 per class
$60 for both
Earlybird $30 per class
Earlybird $55 for both
(Earlybird ends June 19th)
SFA Student Discount – $30 per class
SFA Student Discount – $50 for both
(SFA Students will need to have a valid SFA ID the day of the workshop)
Register for the Workshop
Melissa Smith, 500 ERYT, offers an individualized approach to yoga. Her style of yoga is a blend of traditions from many teachers from all over the world spanning more than a decade. This integrated approach will take you on an journey into cultivating a curious eye within.
“Your hand opens and closes and opens and closes. If it were always a fist or always stretched open, you would be paralyzed. Your deepest presence is in every small contracting and expanding, the two as beautifully balanced and coordinated as bird wings. ~ Rumi
A Weekend of Choose Joy workshops with Rebecca Butler
September 11th-13th at Morning Glory Yoga
Join Rebecca Butler (RYT-500) for a weekend of workshops designed to help you connect to her guiding principle of Choosing Joy, no matter what circumstances life may serve you. The weekend is structured to be a journey — from awareness, to exploration and finally, to cherishing this truth. You will leave these sessions awakened to the empowering ability to choose your way of being and that is a priceless skill.
- All 3 classes for $90
- 2 Classes for $65
- Each Class $40
- SFA Student Discount – All Classes $75
- SFA Student Discount – 2 Classes for $55
- SFA Student Discount – $30 per class
SFA Students must have valid SFA ID on day of workshop
Friday (6-8pm)
Choose Joy — A fearless exploration of your central truth
{A well rounded, basic to intermediate level flow class including arm balances and inversions}
In this provocative yoga workshop, you will connect deeply to your true nature. It is Rebecca Butler’s belief and central teaching principle that joy is the quintessential foundation of our essence. Through carefully constructed sequencing, she will guide you along her spiritual trail that has led her to wholeheartedly invest in this truth. The asana (physical yoga poses) will be challenging, nourishing, sweat inducing and righteous. You will be confronted with glimmers of your edge while soothed with the certainty of grounding. You can expect standing poses, arm balances, inversions, floor work and core work, complimented by laughter, perhaps tears and definitely smiles. Indeed, exploring Avenues of Joy is truly a glorious undertaking.
Saturday (10am-12n)
Choose Magic — This is how we walk on the moon
{A clinic about arm balances and inversions}
There is no limitation. The only limitations are those that we place on ourselves. We subscribe to this prison of our awareness, recreating the same reality day after day, to prove to ourselves that we are not crazy (one of the greatest fears of our day and age — being crazy). In this workshop, we will trot carefully and mindfully to your edge — spiritually and physically. And then, we will take a deep breath and enjoy the view. For it is at this place, where with compassion, breath and kindness, we can create meaningful and lasting change. Yes, it is magic. Seamless press-ups from crow to handstand require nothing short of believing in magic. My more pragmatic students roll their eyes at this. And it’s at precisely this moment when I offer, The trees breathe what we exhale and we breathe what they exhale… You don’t believe in magic?! Come Choose Magic and see what’s really possible when we drop resistance and lean in to infinite possibility.
Sunday (10am-12n)
Choose Miracles — Shift from Fear to Love
{A playshop of softening into the moment through partner style restorative work and deep hip opening}
A miracle is defined as a shift in perspective from fear to love. In this session, we will work with great tenderness into softening and caring for the major joints via partner-style restorative yoga, long holds in deep hip openers and a sound healing session to culminate this cleanse. You will be stripped of fear, which resides in the root chakra. You will be cleared of any lingering resistance to your worthiness and awareness of the ability to Choose Joy, Choose Magic and Choose Miracles in everyday moments, no matter what the circumstances. (ONLY POSSIBLE IF YOU HAVE INTEREST IN ME BRINGING A SOUND HEALING SPECIALIST. I can also just do a simple restorative session)
Please join us for this sure to be sensational weekend with Rebecca.
Rebecca Butler is a humble and happy yoga teacher (at the RYT 500 hour level), published author, inspirational speaker, retreat leader and entrepreneur, as well as a mom. In addition to owning and operating her own yoga studio, The Sanctuary Yoga Room in Fort Worth, TX, she travels teaching her empowering weekend of Choose Joy yoga workshops in varying cities all over the country, including the Telluride Yoga Festival.
It is her intention for her classes to render her students physically satiated and spiritually uplifted, her writing to spark your soul and her inspirational speaking to awaken you to your purpose within. It is her own purpose to help others recognize the ability to Choose Joy no matter what life offers.
In 2012, her mother passed from ALS or Lou Gehrigʼs disease. In that heart-wrenching journey, Rebecca learned that life is meant to be cherished, never squandered; movement, health and breath are righteous gifts to be celebrated, never neglected; and kindness, love and grace are the only admirable ways of being. She integrates this wisdom into her teaching, writing, speaking and daily approach to life.
In addition to being a wellness expert for MindBodyGreen, Rebecca has been featured in Origin Magazine. Her writing has also been published on on multiple other sites including Elephant Journal and in a book titled The Yoga Diaries: Stories of Transformation through Yoga by Jeannie Page.
You can find out more about her retreat schedule with The Travel Yogi, teaching, traveling & writing at, or connect with her on facebook or twitter or Instagram . #choosejoy
April Foundation Course; An Introduction to Yoga
Morning Glory Yoga Studios is offering a new Introduction to Yoga foundation course beginning April 07, 2015. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about the many health benefits of yoga while gaining a foundation upon which to build a practice. The course is appropriate for those new to yoga as well as those who wish to refresh and fine-tune their understanding of the practice.
Yoga builds strength and flexibility while also helping students to better deal with stress and to relax. Students will learn basic yoga postures, proper alignment and breath work, and be introduced to basic meditation techniques.
This class is suitable for students of various ages although it is geared towards adults; no children under the age of sixteen please. The class is also suitable for people of various fitness levels. Poses will be modified to meet individual needs. Students should wear comfortable, moveable clothes and will remove their shoes during the class. A yoga mat is recommended but not required.
- Dates: April 07 – 28
- Day/Time: Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7 – 8:15 pm
- Place: Morning Glory Yoga Studios, 207 East Main St., downtown Nacogdoches
- Instructors: Amy Sanford & Arrie Tucker
The cost is $105
Register Today!
Please call (936) 715 – 9909 or email [email protected] for information and to register.
Morning Glory Yoga Studio Etiquette.
Welcome to Morning Glory Yoga Studio!
A few things you should know to enhance your learning and practice of yoga in our studio. Thank you for practicing at MGYS!
- Remove shoes at the door, we practice in our bare feet and this also prevents excess dirt on the studio floor.
- Turn cell phones off and put away. Cell phones are not permitted in the practice room.
- Come to practice with an empty stomach (unless specific conditions prevent this).
- Please do not chew gum and/or candy during practice.
- Keep water off floor or if needed, bring a reusable water bottle and fill up with filtered water from the studio. Always hydrate prior to class. Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
- Be early to class. We understand life happens and we’ve all been late to a class – it’s okay – but entering class constantly late is very disruptive and disrespectful of others. Our practice space has no barriers from the entrance, once you walk through the door you are in the yoga room. If you do arrive a few minutes late before entering, have your keys and other noisy items contained, take a breath, come in and quietly sit at the entrance until eyes are open and movement or talking has begun. At that point, unroll your mat quietly. Congratulations your yoga has already begun with practice of awareness and kindness to others. 🙂
- We have a limited number of $2 rental mats available but we encourage you to bring your own. You’ll benefit from having access to your own mat outside of the studio and it’s more hygienic.
- Wear comfortable exercise clothing.
- Ask questions about anything that is unclear to you. You may ask during class when appropriate otherwise before or after class. Our teachers are happy to discuss aspects of yoga anytime!
- Refrain from wearing perfume, cologne, or strong essential oils.
- If you have health issues (illness, injury, or medical conditions), please notify your instructor before class. Not every pose is appropriate for everyone.
- Let go of the competitive mindset. Yoga is a low-impact, noncompetitive practice.
- Be kind and loving to yourself by accepting where you are. It is okay to come out of a pose before the teacher says to. Yoga is not a “gut it out” or “no pain no gain.” To the contrary, the body will respond beautifully when you show it kindness, acceptance, and love. Rest sometimes. Do what you can, with what you have, with where you are.
- No experience or flexibility is required to practice yoga. Yoga is for everyone. Please check our list of class descriptions/times to see which class is right for you. We offer a variety of classes from Gentle, Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. These labels are not a reflection of physical ability but rather knowledge of the practice itself and discipline of the student.
- Stay for the entire class. If you need to leave early please inform the teacher beforehand and exit quietly. We do suggest a rest in final relaxation before hitting the road.
- Yoga is a discipline. Practice regularly. As a new student, build your practice slowly. Work toward practicing everyday. If you are unable to attend a class at the studio everyday start a home practice on those days. You’ll be amazed at what is revealed in home practice.
- Finally, our classes end with the gesture and saying Namaste. This means: I honor the in place in you which is of love, of truth, of light, and of peace. It is a sign of respect and also recognition that we are all connected as human beings sharing this earth.
Normal Schedule on Monday.
NEWS FLASH! NO classes are cancelled tomorrow as previously planned.
ALL MONDAY classes will be held as regularly scheduled.
Due to the rainy weather the plumbers will not be able to continue work on Monday as originally planned so we see no need to cancel the Monday morning 8:30 class or any others for that matter.
Be aware that we DO NOT have working plumbing so please take this into account before coming to class.
Please know that we are working diligently to have repairs complete ASAP and with as little disruption to our class schedule. With that said, when dealing with weather sensitive planning, there is always a chance that the schedule will change and classes may have to be cancelled. Please continue to check for updates.
We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you in advance for your patience.
MGYS Teachers,
Amy, Arrie, Sherri
Class Cancellations During Plumbing Repairs
Saturday morning, 03.07.2015, class is cancelled.
Monday morning, 03.09.2015, 8:30am class is cancelled.
We are experiencing plumbing problems at the studio and although workers have been in the studio much of the day today we are still without water in the bathroom and kitchen.
We are working to have the repairs complete ASAP.
Monday morning repairs will be quite loud and although we are canceling the Monday morning class we are hopeful that all other classes will be able to remain as scheduled. We’ll keep you posted on the progress. Thank you for your understanding.
Meanwhile, MGYS teachers are in demand and spreading yoga all around Nacogdoches!
Join Arrie at Caddo Mounds Saturday, 03.07.2015, at 10:00 am for an outdoor Gentle Yoga class.