Hi MG Yogis!

It’s about 6:30 on Sunday night here in Gokulam, Mysore and while I type, I have opened the door to my apartment to let in the cool air accompanying this evening’s rainstorm.  As the air circulates a cacophony of horns collide with the thunder as if in competition, as if the air can only hold one or the other. But soon the two merge and fade into the background only to present conversation, laughter, babies crying and sundry other clamour near my home in 3rd Stage.  The sounds travel on currents that ebb and flow and filter through my open door and I absorb. it. all.  I breathe it all in — soak it up — and like a rung sponge,  I let it go.  Until the next current.


Tomorrow at 4:30am I begin my Ashtanga practice at KPJAYI.  It’s Led Primary which means, Sharath, my teacher,  will lead the class (at his pace) through the Primary Series.  Although I’ve been here before, I still find myself a little nervous and in anticipation of the morning.  “It’s natural though,” I kindly remind myself.  Even after all these years of practice I am still and will forever be humbled by the unknown and excited by possibility as observed from my mat.

Before bed, in just a few minutes, I wanted to say, “Thank you.”    Thank you for practicing yoga with me at MGYS and trusting me as your teacher.  I am forever grateful to you.   Without you I would not be here as I am in this moment and for this, I Thank you.


With love and gratitude from Mysore,
