Love from India
Hi all! The sun has once again been unveiled from behind the clouds after a three day abduction which means Erin and I will have a good chance of a hot shower tonight! Ah, what a treat! I'm going on the second week of practice and everyday still seems like the...
Practice at KPJAYI Begins Tomorrow for Me – Thanks to YOU!
Hi MG Yogis! It's about 6:30 on Sunday night here in Gokulam, Mysore and while I type, I have opened the door to my apartment to let in the cool air accompanying this evening's rainstorm. As the air circulates a cacophony of horns collide with the thunder as if in...
First Note from India
Erin and I arrived in Gokulam on Tuesday morning around 6:30, red eyed from the long flight and freshly dusted by pungent particles that rushed in opened taxi cab windows from the wild miles between Bangalore and Mysore, we were greeted by our gracious hosts with...
Snippet from India
A quick snippet of my morning schedule at the Shala....and a selfie 🙂 Some days I walk to practice and others, like today, I scoot. The Shala is FULL this time of year so being prompt is just not good enough. I'm up early and out the door AT LEAST an hour before the...
India, I have arrived! Greetings, Excuses, and Confessions. TESTING1.
After 20 plus, surprisingly very pleasant, hours of travel I arrived in Mysore, India at 6am at which time I was greeted by the very smiley, fresh out of Practice, Jimmy Crow (Kitty was at Practice, shortly to return).