Friday 6 – 8:30pm
Lucid Yoga (restorative and relaxing)
We will start with 1/2 hour warming up the body with sun-salutations and standing poses. Then we will slow the yoga down to the point that students feel the body pulling their attention deeper, ever deeper into a world of subtle sensations and pleasure. Learn how to use physical exercise and breath control to slow the mind down from beta frequencies (associated with muscle tension and worrying) down into Alpha and Theta frequencies (associated with physical relaxation, creativity, and a profound sense of well being). Learn to practice Hatha Yoga as a form of meditation and experience the amazing stillness and timeless quality of mind that comes from Lucid Yoga.
Saturday Morning 9-12
Variations on a Twist
This workshop will explore some basic principles of twists, and then apply them to a large assortment of twisting poses, from the easy to the challenging. We will include work on reclining and seated twists, then move on to standing twists, and if there is the time we will address partner twists. All levels of experience are welcome. However, this class may not be suitable for those with serious injuries to the spine.
Saturday 1:30 – 4:30pm
Science of Breath (introductory – all levels)
This workshop will give you the opportunity to discover for yourself whether you have good breathing habits, and to improve your breathing and thus improve your overall physical, mental and emotional health. Learn specific breathing techniques that: reduce allergies; reduce risks of colds and flu; help control emotions; relax muscles; improve the health of the heart, lungs, & abdominal organs; purify the blood; rest the mind more effectively than sleep; expand lung capacity; balance energy flow throughout the body; and more.
Sunday 1:30 – 4:30pm
Art of Pranayama (assumes basic diaphragmatic breath and no health issues)
This is a more advanced workshop on Pranayama (breath control). It is for students who have attended the Science of Breath or already have a basic understanding of the anatomy and mechanics of breath and have good diaphragmatic breathing habits established. In this workshop, we will learn and practice a variety of more advanced and exotic breathing patterns and exercises from the ancient yogic traditions.
Join Arrie for a guided group meditation honoring the shift of the seasons
This hour-long class will include a short mindfulness practice as well as an introduction to the ecopsychological implications of the shift in season, then a nature-based meditation practice.
All skill levels are encouraged to attend! Bring your own cushion if you have one if not a limited number will be available.
The 4 Week Meditation Foundation Course is designed to give an overview of what meditation is and how to incorporate the practice into one’s life and is appropriate for anyone interested in meditation.
Arrie will introduce various types and styles of meditation and contemplative practices, including
yoga as meditation,
contemplative walking
and more depending on the interest of the group.
Participants will be confident and comfortable practicing meditation on their own and participating in group meditations.
For the first time, Gentle, Restorative, and Beginner classes are included (and encouraged) in the May Meditation Foundation Course.
No experience necessary.
Classes will meet Tuesdays and Thursdays for the month of May at 5:45-7:00 pm in MGY2
409 East Main.
Morning Glory Yoga Studios is offering a new
Introduction to Yoga Foundation Course
beginning April 03, 2018.
This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about the many health benefits of yoga while gaining a foundation upon which to build a practice.
The course is appropriate for those new to yoga as well as those who wish to refresh and refine their relationship with the practice.
Yoga builds strength and flexibility through physical postures while helping students understand individual stressors through techniques that include mindfulness, breath, and gaze. Through a regular yoga practice, awareness and quality of one’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health are improved.
Students will learn basic yoga postures, proper alignment, breath work, and be introduced to basic meditation techniques.
This class is suitable for students of various ages although it is geared towards adults; no children under the age of sixteen, please. The class is also suitable for people of various fitness levels. Poses will be modified to meet individual needs. Students should wear comfortable, moveable clothes and will remove their shoes during the class. A yoga mat is recommended but not required.
For the first time, Gentle, Restorative, and Beginner classes are included (and encouraged) in the April Foundation Course.
Dates: April 03 – April 26, 2018
Day/Time: Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 5:45 – 7:00 pm
Place: MGY2, 409 East Main St., downtown Nacogdoches