September 22-26, 2024

Yoga is a place we continually return to again and again and again. As we use our practices to slowly work at the subtle level we create change at the gross level. This calm, clear continuum allow us to see what we couldn’t see before, experience what we were not ready to experience and face our shadows and perhaps even transform them. These are the deeper layers of our practice that are available. Tara is honored to share them with you!

Daily Practice (5 Days):

A brief introduction to Pranayama as taught by O.P. Tiwariij followed by of stotrams and mantras to invoke the divine.


Moving through your personal ashtanga sequence, guiding you with tips and ideas to create ease and ensuring safety & longevity of your practice. Tara is fluent in Ashtanga through 2nd series and some of 3rd Series as well as a Yoga Therapist and can help guide you, modify; restore or relieve depending on the condition safely and playfully through your practice. All are welcome.


Sunday, 09.22.2024

Pañcha Mayas (Koshas)

We often go through life allowing the mind to take us here and there without really understanding why we do the things we do.

The Pañcha Mayas also referred to as the Koshas, are five layers that make us up as humans, although we may identify with these layers, we are not them. You see, the mind is the main cause of our feelings, emotions, suffering, happiness, and liberation. Instead of identifying with these different parts of us, we learn to see what we are not, and if we understand what we are NOT, we start to understand what we ARE – starting with the gross level and slowly moving to the subtle levels.

Join Tara to learn more about the Pañcha Maya (Kosha) Model. During this workshop we will explore the five layers and recite the Panchamaya Shloka by TKV Desikachar (inspired by Taittriya-upanisat), a powerful chant that connects us to the different layers of the self. The class will end with a meditative practice guiding us to move to that space of silence within.


Thursday, 09.26.2024

Introduction to ĀYURVEDA + the Yogic Diet

The sister science to Yoga, Āyurveda (knowledge of life) teaches us how to stay healthy while preventing and curing disease with healthy diet and lifestyle practices.

Food is medicine if consumed correctly. What we eat today affects how we feel tomorrow, physically, mentally and emotionally. Have you ever felt sluggish the day after overindulging? I know I have.
Tara began studying nutrition in 1999 and working closely with an Āyurvedic doctor while following Ancient food principles for the last decade.

This course will discuss
Living a balanced Life, Digestive Fire, the Gunas, Daily Practices & the Yogic Diet and our link to nature using this ancient wisdom.

“When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need.” ~ Ayurvedic proverb

Throughout the week, you’re welcome to enjoy the yoga studio during business hours. We have a lovely parlor and front porch to enjoy reading, tea, conversation, and/or the simple pleasure of just being. We’ll schedule a coffee date and lunch date to gather as a group on Monday & Wednesday. 


Dates: Sunday, 09.22-Thursday, 09.26.2024

Investment: $295

Ashtanga Yoga Nacogdoches

Are you interested in learning the Ashtanga Yoga method?

Not exactly sure what distinguishes it from our Hatha classes but curious about understanding the differences?

Please email me and let’s set up a time to meet and talk
[email protected]

In the meantime, please explore my website for some details about the practice, etiquette, and fees.

The first Ashtanga program in Nacogdoches begins July 9th and I am truly honored and excited to introduce this traditional method. Although this is the first day – and it’d be great to start then – you’re welcome to begin a regular practice anytime after July 9th.


Please contact me at your earliest convenience at [email protected] to arrange a meeting.


Love from India

Hi all!

The sun has once again been unveiled from behind the clouds after a three day abduction  which means Erin and I will have a good chance of a hot shower tonight!  Ah, what a treat!

I’m going on the second week of practice and everyday still seems like the first, each day presenting new experiences but no sign of continuity.  It’s as if I’ve stepped on a mat made of shredded pieces of a complete story, each day fumbling through the various shapes hoping to discover just the right edges and contour. Pulling and pushing, inhaling and exhaling, lengthening and contracting, I rumage through the pieces of this abstract self. The practice is humbling and revealing. (more…)

Ashtanga Weekend with Jade Skinner

Saturday, October 10, 2015

9:00am -10:30am

Led 1/2 Primary – $25.00
While Half Primary classes move more slowly than Primary Series classes, you’ll build up heat in your body, sweat and detoxify. This class moves at a slower pace, which allows for more instruction, introducing some of the more advanced poses in an approachable way. The class is appropriate for anyone who is working toward the Primary Series, as well as experienced Hatha yogis who want a taste of Ashtanga. The Half Primary is truly a mixed level class that attracts new students and experienced Primary Series students who value slowing things down a bit from time to time. Modifications are encouraged.

1:00pm -3:00pm

Grounded in Asana – $35.00
The standing poses of Ashtanga are the basic grounding and centering asanas, therefore, making them an ideal starting point for your practice. All the postures integrate the body, balancing flexibility, strength, endurance, and coordination. In this workshop we’ll bring our attention to the connection that we have with the earth through our feet. Learning to be relaxed and balanced as we realign our foundation from the feet, to the ankles, through the knees, to the pelvis and base of the spine. Because standing poses require us to actively engage our awareness of how we use our muscles, joints, and breath, they build both mental and physical stamina as well as discipline. No matter what else you might want to explore in the vast world of yoga, this workshop will give you a solid foundation, good alignment, an understanding of body mechanics, and tangible training in mindfulness.


Sunday, October 11, 2015

9:00am -10:30am

Led 1/2 Primary – $25.00
This class moves at a slower pace, which allows for more instruction, introducing some of the more advanced poses in an approachable way. The class is appropriate for anyone who is working toward the Primary Series, as well as experienced Hatha yogis who want a taste of Ashtanga. The Half Primary is truly a mixed level class that attracts new students and experienced Primary Series students who value slowing things down a bit from time to time. Modifications are encouraged.


1:00pm -3:00pm

Transitions in Vinyasa (jump through to the jump back)  – $35.00
To transition means to move or connect one idea to the next. Let’s be honest with ourselves, we all want that sensation of ‘lightness” when we’re doing yoga. In this case, we will be looking at the movements in a vinyasa practice that weave postures together.
Transitions show us the relationship between the foundation of an asana and all the ideas that support it. They help us to gauge progression of our practice when we are flowing in a vinyasa class, from basic to challenging, by the fluidity and grace of our actions. We’ll break down the jump back to chaturanga in the 3rd and 4th vinyasa of Sun Salutations as well as the jump forward from downdog back to standing. This will help you to understand the underlying components of the jump back, jump through transitions of seated postures and how the backbone is based on a series of 3 main postures from Sun Salutation A. Learn some basic anatomy and strength exercises as well as correct breathing techniques to assist you in developing healthy movement patterns. Let’s get lifted!

About Jade

Intro to Ashtanga Yoga with Jade SkinnerI started to study yoga when I moved to Saint Petersburg, Florida in 2002. Back then I didn’t know yoga would become my way of life. One day, my teacher told me, “Yoga will change your life forever!” and she was absolutely right. Yoga not only changed my life, it soon became so much more…To me, Yoga now is my lifestyle. I can’t image my being without it. It helped me not only trade my bad habits for good but to look out from under the veil to see all that the world has to offer. Through personal change, I became extremely passionate to share this knowledge with others. That’s when I decided to become a yoga teacher.
I later discovered Ashtanga Yoga while learning and teaching Vinyasa. It immediately captivated me. Through my years of practicing and teaching different methods of yoga, Ashtanga is where my heart remains. Ashtanga is intriguing in so many ways. It brings clarity to every state of your being: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. My own personal experiences on the mat have deeply humbling to the core of my being. A reminder that change is impermanence and adaptation is acceptance. And now my purpose is to share, teach and help my students grow on their journey with Ashtanga Yoga.

For more info about Jade check out